Don't Force It: How to Get into College without Losing Yourself in the Process

Aliaa Remtilla - Following Your Heart’s Desire

In today’s episode, I sit down with Alia, a daughter of immigrants who navigated her way from Canada to Harvard to PhD in anthropology, and who now coaches high achievers to balance their careers with their true desires. Tune in to hear how following your heart can lead to extraordinary transformation.


Aliaa is a life coach, published author & startup founder, who is known for her ability to take academic insights and translate them into practical applications - such as coaching. Her long list of accomplishments include:
• Being recruited to play NCAA Div 1 field hockey at Harvard.
• Social Anthropology PhD. Conducted research in 20+ countries.
• Expert in identity work with historically marginalized adults (18+).
• As a non-profit Exec, managed 600+ people across 3 countries.
• Raised ~$1M as Co-Founder of VC-backed startup, StoryTiling.
• Author of a book. Filmmaker. Board Member. Keynote speaker.
Aliaa’s unique superpower as a coach is her intelligence, ability to read people, and cut straight to the point. She’s able to make the smartest people feel seen, supported and productively challenged. Read more about Aliaa at and connect with her on LinkedIn:

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